Values/Mission Statement:
To become a Church that is welcoming, Encouraging, Authentic and Relational; and one which is Led by the Spirit and Fed by the Word; for the purpose of Mission.
Therefore as a community of believers, we aim to do this in a number of ways which prophetically for us, serve to underpin how we understand ourselves and our purpose in the community and collectively, these are best expressed through our Strap-Line; ‘Drawing Together’, which in turn embraces 4
elements. As such, our aim is to: ‘Draw Together’ –
1. Relationally:
Drawing together to encourage real relationships with each other and the local community.
2. Spiritually:
To encourage each other spiritually through sincere relationships and Spiritual Gifts.
3. Locally:
To engage with the local community in a real and practical way.
4. Globally:
To engage in global mission as the Lord leads.